Hi Lovelies,
It has been a minute.... life got hectic and well we all sometimes just need time to unwind.
Lets get HONEST!
Something that has been on my mind for a while is self-love. I live for self-love but anyone who knows me, knows it is not the easiest thing for me. I have always been very critical of myself and have had to work on not being so hard on myself.
Social media can be a dangerous place for self-comparison but it is so import to always remember that people usually only post the fab pics out of many, many, many that were taken and you also only see a snippet of someone's day and life. I am the worst for this but have come to realise this is NO way to live and we need to use this as inspiration and be happy for other people while remembering just how blessed and fabulous we actually are too. Always remember there is someone comparing themselves to you too.
Believe it or not but forcing myself to talk on instagram stories really help me build more confidence. I remember the first time I went on; I had such a chat with myself about how I could do it and look at how many people do it without a care in the world. I definitely do ramble (lol) but I have come to really enjoy it and it helps me to feel good.
I want to be as real and honest about real life things. I have struggled lately with body confidence and people think I must have so much confidence because I can post pictures on social media and go on stories but that it is not always the case. I have been working out & walking lately and I am just loving how good I feel after the workout or walk, so I am determined to ensure I make more time for it. It is so important to make times for the things that make you feel good.

Ladies always remember your fabulous and killing it.
Love T x