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New year .... Better mind, body & soul


Happy New Year 🥳😄

Firstly wow 2022 went in the blink of an eye. When I was making my instagram highlight reel of 2022, I honestly couldn't believe everywhere I had been and everything I have done in 2022. I was very blessed to have been on staycations and travelled further afield and got a few ticks of my bucket list.

2022 was full of lots of firsts for me and that was very exciting. It was also the year I became a brand ambassador for Made in Mourne and an affiliate for Bellamianta which is fabulous. I honestly am so thankful and blessed for all that 2022 brought me.

I was setting my goals for 2023 and read over my 2022 goals. Some goals I achieved and others not but that is ok because I am human and sometimes as much as I try to, I cannot do it all. Reading over my 2022 goals and thinking of my goals for 2023 showed me how much I have changed in the space of a year because a few of my 2022 goals were about changing me and how I looked and how I had wanted a certain body type in 2022. I did not achieve this body type and that is definitely ok as I didn't need to because 2022 helped me become more confident in my own skin and who I am. Maybe I am getting wiser with age or just putting myself out there more with being on social media etc. but I am honestly so much more comfortable with me and who I am looking at in the mirror every day and if I can take one thing away from 2022 it would be that personal growth and it feels DAMN good.

2023 goals are definitely looking different than the 2022 goals and more based on bettering myself in mind, body and soul. I really want to learn to slow down and enjoy the moments as I am in them, instead of rushing on to the next thing because life moves way too fast.

Some of my 2023 goals....

  • Read 12 books (1 book a month)

  • Climb 6 mountains (1 every 2 months)

  • Journal

  • Meditate

  • Slow the heck down girl

I also created a digital vision board for my phone wallpaper, so I am looking at it every day. I have a pin board to create a bigger vision board, but I haven't got that started yet and that is ok because we do not have to be ready, set go for the 1st of January. We can take our time and take baby steps to getting started into this new year.

I just wanted to remind you that it is ok to take this year for you and take it at your own pace. Do not feel that you have to be on a timeline or one anyone else's clock because this is your life and you do it for you.

You can see more of my vision board inspiration on my Instagram highlight '☁️🦋💛'

We've got this :)

Love T x



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